Be aware of all signage and reduced speeds. Avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating/drinking, and radio.
The annual Street Resurfacing Program combines publicly bid projects with the City of Fort Wayne's capabilities to mill existing deteriorated asphalt street pavements and then establish a newly restored driving surface. The City of Fort Wayne has a pavement management system (PASER) that rates the condition of all streets within the city limits on a regular and consistent basis. These ratings range from 1 being the worst condition to 10 being the best condition. These ratings are used each year to determine which streets meet the criteria for resurfacing.
After determining all the streets that meet these criteria, the City will look at all conflicting, upcoming construction projects that can range from utility projects to future roadway expansions. These conflicts will be taken into consideration in determining whether to move forward with the resurfacing of those streets. The resurfacing of some streets may be delayed until after other, unrelated work, is completed so newly resurfaced streets are not damaged by this construction.
The City has over 821 miles of asphalt streets and we resurface an average of 50 miles per year. There are more streets that meet the criteria for resurfacing than funds available. The city will then evaluate the most efficient manner of grouping these streets into resurfacing packages to be bid out to contractors for that current year. Our 2024 Street Resurfacing Program projects are outlined below:
The list of streets scheduled for resurfacing is subject to
change due to conflicts with utilities or budget issues. If a street is removed
due to a conflict, this street will be added to next year's resurfacing
The following street segments in Northeast Fort Wayne are expected to be resurfaced as a part of the 2024 Resurfacing Program through Public Works:
Del Rio Drive
Wrangler Court to Concrete Approach
Salge Court to Wrangler Court
Salge Court
Mirando to Cul-De-Sac
Salge Drive
Concrete Approach to Mirando
Wrangler Court
Cul-De-Sac to Mirando
Wrangler Trail
Mirando to No Cross Concrete
Coronet Drive
Countess Drive to Monarch Drive
Countess Drive
Cul-De-Sac to 174' East of Dominion Drive
Dominion Drive
Countess Drive to Monarch Drive
Grandeur Drive
160' South of State Boulevard to Monarch Drive
Majestic Lane
Countess Drive to Monarch Drive
Monarch Drive
East End to 171' East of Dominion Drive
Montgomery Court
Countess Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Pinnacle Court
Cul-De-Sac to Monarch Drive
Sovereign Drive
Countess Drive to Monarch Drive
Columbia Avenue
Edgewater Avenue to Crescent Avenue
Edgewater Avenue
St. Joseph Boulevard to Delta Boulevard
Lake Avenue
St. Joseph Boulevard to Crescent Avenue
Rivermet Avenue
St. Joseph Boulevard to Crescent Avenue
St. Joseph Boulevard
Lake Avenue to Tennessee Avenue
Canterwood Place
Harmony Lane to Cul-De-Sac
Dennison Drive
Newland Place to Myanna Lane
Harmony Lane
Dennison Drive to Duane Drive
Hilmer Court
Myanna Lane to Cul-De-Sac
Keswick Court
Cul-De-Sac to Keswick Lane
Keswick Lane
Cul-De-Sac to Dennison Drive
Monte Avenue
No Cross Street to Myanna Lane
Myanna Lane
Rosner Crossing to Dennison Drive
Newland Place
Gate Tree Lane to Cul-De-Sac
Rosner Crossing
Myanna Lane to Willman Lane
Sandyridge Place
Harmony Lane to Cul-De-Sac
Willman Lane
Cul-De-Sac to Dennison Drive
Albert Drive
Blum Drive to 104' west of Tirol Pass
Innsbrook Drive
Stellhorn Road to Cul-De-Sac
Janet Drive
Innsbrook Drive to Stellhorn Road
Scokian Drive
Blum Drive to Tirol Pass
Tirol Pass
Concrete Approach to Tamarack Drive
Benham Drive
Bennington Drive to Durango Drive
Bennington Drive
Maplecrest Road to Benham Drive
Centerton Drive
Maplecrest Road to Benham Drive
Georgetown Lane
Maplecrest Road to Dead End
Monarch Drive
Maplecrest Road to Benham Drive
Duane Road
Harmony Lane to Lahmeyer Road
Shade Lane
Harmony Lane to Lahmeyer Road
Harmony Lane
Duane Drive to Dennison Drive
Woodbriar Pass to Cul-De-Sac
Autumn Woods Trail
Spring Burn Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Bailey Court
Foxknoll Cove to Cul-De-Sac
Bixworth Court
Autumn Woods Trail to Cul-De-Sac
Pine Oak Court
Wyndemere Lane to Cul-De-Sac
Sawmill Woods Boulevard
Foxknoll Cove to St. Joe Center Road
Spring Burn Drive
Autumn Woods Trail to Wyndemere Court
Tatum Court
Chetam Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Turnhill Court
Autumn Woods Trail to Cul-De-Sac
Bruneal Street - COMPLETED
Hampshire Drive to Wyandotte Drive
Buesching Drive - COMPLETED
North Drive to Stellhorn Road
Ferndale Drive - COMPLETED
Roseview Road to Wyandotte Drive
Hampshire Drive - COMPLETED
Ferndale Drive to Stellhorn Road
Plymouth Road - COMPLETED
Roseview Road to Dead End
Roseview Road - MOVED TO 2025
Timberhill Drive to Stellhorn Road
Timberhill Drive - MOVED TO 2025
Hobson Road to Roseview Road
The following street segments in Northwest Fort Wayne are expected to be resurfaced as a part of the 2024 Resurfacing Program through Public Works:
West Fourth Street - COMPLETED
200' West of Wells Street to Harrison Street
Fifth Street -NEXT YEAR
Wells Street to Harrison Street
Billy Drive
Lima Road to Dau Street
Dau Street
Danny Drive Billy Drive
Danny Drive
Lima Road to Dau Street
Cobblers Cove
Cutler Run to Cul-De-Sac
Colsons Hill
Fiddlers Cove to Cul-De-Sac
Corner Stone Parkway
Cul-De-Sac to Dawsons Creek Boulevard
Courtyard Cove
Corner Stone Parkway to Cul-De-Sac
Crossbridge Place
Dead End to Dawsons Creek Boulevard
Cutler Run
Colsons Hill to Cobblers Cove
Dawsons Creek Boulevard
West Till Road to Augusta Drive
Fiddlers Cove
Dead End to Cul-De-Sac
Franklin Avenue
Spring Street to Archer Avenue
Greenlawn Avenue
Franklin Avenue to Oakland Avenue
Herman Street
St. Mary's Avenue to Sherman Boulevard
Margaret Avenue
Jessie Avenue to Oakland Street
Oakland Street
Putnam Street to Huffman Street
Pape Avenue
St. Mary's Avenue to Van Buren Street
Putnam Street
Poinsette Drive to Sherman Boulevard
Sherman Boulevard
No Cross Street to Burgess Street
Sherman Boulevard
High Street to West State Boulevard
St. Mary's Avenue
Archer Avenue to West State Boulevard
Van Buren Street
Pape Avenue to No Cross Street
Chesterton Trail
Dead End to Neighborhood Boundary
Comfort Court
Chesterton Trail to Cul-De-Sac
Olmston Drive
Neighborhood Boundary to Chesterton Trail
Norwich Court
Cul-De-Sac to Chesterton Trail
Wembley Court
Cul-De-Sac to Chesterton Trail
Cedar Ridge Court
Stoneridge Court to Cul-De-Sac
Dartford Court
Upland Ridge Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Hickory Knoll Boulevard
West Wallen Road to Cul-De-Sac
Stoneridge Court
Cul-De-Sace to Cul-De-Sac
Sunturn Drive
Wyndmoor Drive to Neighborhood Boundary
Upland Ridge Drive
Hickory Glen Trail to Wyndmoor Drive
Wyndmoor Drive
Upland Ridge Drive to Dead End
Hickory Glen Trail
Cul-De-Sac Cul-De-Sac
Pretty Ridge Court
Upland Ridge Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Upland Ridge Drive
Dead End to Hickory Glen Trail
Cambridge Boulevard
West State Boulevard to Harvard Boulevard
Harvard Boulevard
Cambridge Boulevard to Goshen Avenue
Irene Avenue
St. Mary's Avenue to Ethel Avenue
Lillian Avenue
Sherman Boulevard to St, Mary's Avenue
Poinsette Drive
West State Boulevard to Goshen Avenue
Sherman Boulevard
West State Boulevard to Lillian Avenue
St. Mary's Avenue
West State Boulevard to Goshen Avenue
Big Horn Place
Medicine Bow Run to Cul-De-Sac
Hawk Spring Hill
Skyline Pass to Medicine Bow Run
Medicine Bow Run
Big Horn Place to Valdosta Drive
Skyline Pass
Hawk Spring Hill to Medicine Bow Pass
South Fork Pass
Medicine Bow Run to Stand Ridge Run
Stand Ridge Run
Dead End to South Fork Pass
Angler Pass
Sakaden Parkway to Cha Ca Peta Pass
Cha Ca Peta Pass
Angler Pass to Neighborhood Boundary
Sakaden Parkway
Angler Pass to Wallen Road
Newberry Drive
Stand Ridge Run to Crowder Court
Poinsette Drive
Huffman Boulevard to Archer Avenue
Poinsette Drive
Rosemont Avenue to West State Boulevard
Fagan Avenue
Lima Lane to Klug Drive
Klug Drive
Lima Road to Fagan Avenue
Lima Lane
Lima Road to Fagan Avenue
Chesterton Trail
Neighborhood Boundary to Colter Lane
Madina Parkway
Colter Lane to West Till Road
Brook Valley Place
Walnut Valley Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Cedar Run
Rock Creek Place to Holley Oak Drive
Cedar Run
North Oak Boulevard to Rock Creek Place
Hillside Oaks Drive
Liberty Creek Run to Ludwig Road
Holley Oak Drive
Cedar Run to Cul-De-Sac
Liberty Creek Run
Hillside Oaks Drive to Walnut Valley Drive
North Oak Boulevard
Washington Center to Cedar Run
Piney Creek Drive
Willow Green Drive to Holley Oak Drive
Rock Creek Place
Cedar Run to Cul-De-Sac
Stonebrook Place
Willow Green Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Walnut Calley Drive
Piney Creek Drive to Wingate Run
Willow Green Drive
Cedar Run to Piney Creek Drive
Wingate Run
Hillside Oaks Drive to Walnut Valley Drive
Windsor Road
Cul-De-Sac to Lima Road
The following street segments in Southeast Fort Wayne are expected to be resurfaced as a part of the 2024 Resurfacing Program through Public Works:
Capitol Avenue
South Anthony Boulevard to No Cross Street
Adirondack Drive
Holgate Drive to Amarillo Drive
Amarillo Drive
Casselwood Drive to Regis Drive
Casselwood Drive
Hessen Cassel Road to Amarillo Drive
Holgate Drive
Casselwood Drive to Regis Drive
Melville Drive
Casselwood Drive to Regis Drive
Hessen Cassel Road
Heritage Drive to Larkwood Lane
Hessen Cassel Road
McKinnie Avenue to Congress Avenue
Adams Street
McKee Street to Manford Street
Evans Street
Queen Street to Adams Street
Mauldin Drive
Fruehauf Drive to Adams Street
McKee Street
Adams Street to Wayne Trace
Ormsby Street
Queen Street to Fruehauf Drive
Wayne Trace
No Cross Street to Oxford Street
New Haven Avenue
Wayne Trace to Holly Avenue
Lexington Avenue
Indiana Avenue to Indiana Avenue
Maxine Avenue
Tacoma Avenue to Indiana Avenue
South Wayne Avenue
Pettit Avenue to Pasadena Drive
Tacoma Avenue
Pettit Avenue to Lexington Avenue
Cornell Circle N.
Lexington Avenue to Hoagland Avenue
Hoagland Avenue
Lexington Avenue to Pasadena Drive
Lexington Avenue
Webster Street to South Calhoun
Pasadena Drive
Cornell Circle S. to Hoagland Avenue
Radial Lane
Hoagland Avenue to North Seminole Cir.
Webster Street
Lexington Avenue to North Cornell Circle
Fruehauf Drive
Shady Oak Drive to East Fairfax Avenue
Palisade Drive
Cascade Drive to Salem Lane
Radcliffe Court
Palisade Drive to Shade Oak Drive
Salem Lane
Shade Oak Drive to Ashcroft Drive
Shady Oak Drive
Churchill Drive to Salem Lane
St. Henry's Lane
Shady Oak Drive to East Paulding Road
Homestead Hills Court
Homestead Hills Run to Cul-De-Sac
Homestead Hills Drive
Homestead Road to Cul-De-Sac
Homestead Hills Run
Homestead Hills Court to Homestead Hills Drive
East Fairfax Avenue
Hanna Street to Gaywood Drive
Alexander Drive
Oxford Street to Pontiac Street
Central Drive
Oxford Street to East Pontiac Street
Colerick Street
South Anthony Boulevard to Euclid Avenue
Colerick Street
Central Drive to Alexander Street
McKee Street
South Anthony Boulevard to Alexander Street
Plaza Drive
Oxford Street to East Pontiac Street
Hessen Cassel Road
Wayne Trace to McKinnie Avenue
Hessen Cassel Road
Congress Avenue to East Maple Grove
Andre Lane
Hessen Cassel Road to Winston Drive
Anthony Wayne Drive SW
Plaza Drive to West Colonial Drive
Austin Drive
Andre Lane to Marvin Drive
Capitol Avenue
No Cross Street to East Maple Grove Avenue
Christofer Lane
No Cross Street to Salem Lane
Hessen Cassel Road
East Maple Grove to Heritage Drive
McMillen Park Drive
McKinnie Avenue to Marcy Lane
Marcy Lane
McMillen Park Drive to Priscillian Lane
Queen Street
Werling Drive to Standish Drive
Roberta Drive
Salem Lane to Ashcroft Drive
Salem Lane
East Maple Grove Avenue to Ashcroft Drive
Schaper Drive
Woodsdale Drive to Austin Drive
Winston Drive
Andre Lane to Marvin Drive
Woodsdale Lane
Schaper Drive to Capitol Avenue
The following street segments in Southwest Fort Wayne are expected to be resurfaced as a part of the 2024 Resurfacing Program through Public Works:
Buckfield Court
Liberty Mills Road to Cul-De-Sac
Covington Road
Bluewater Trail to Covington Woods Boulevard
Brierbrook Lane
Oak Lane to Rose Ann Parkway
Cherry Lane
West Jefferson Boulevard to Melody Lane
Grandview Drive
Melody Lane to Rose Ann Parkway
Maple Lane
Oak Lane to Rose Ann Parkway
Melody Lane
Cherry Lane to Grandview Drive
Oak Lane
Brierbrook Lane to Maple Lane
Rose Ann Parkway
Cherry Lane to Maple Lane
Woodhue Lane
Cherry Lane to Grandview Drive
Abbeyhill Road
Liberty Mills Road to Cul-De-Sac
Kingsbridge Road
Abbeyhill Road to Cul-De-Sac
Burnham Woods Lane
Liberty Mills Road to Cul-De-Sac
Buell Drive
Pasadena Drive to Lexington Avenue
Lexington Avenue
Tacoma Avenue to Hoagland Avenue
Maxine Drive
Tacoma Avenue to Buell Drive
Pasadena Drive
Fairfield Avenue to Buell Drive
South Wayne Avenue
Pasadena Drive to Lexington Avenue
Liberty Mills Road
Middle Grove Road to No Cross Street
Liberty Mills Road
Easthills Drive to West Jefferson Boulevard
Liberty Mills Road
No Cross Street to Easthills Road
Birch Cove
N. Westlakes Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Bitterroot Court
Westlakes Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Bitterroot Drive
Westlakes Drive to Torch Lake Drive
Crater Cove
N. Westlakes Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Cut Bank Cove
N. Westlakes Drive to Cul-De-Sac
N. Westlakes Drive
Homestead Road to Bitterroot Cove
Torch Lake Cove
Torch Lake Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Torch Lake Drive
Torch Lake Cove to Lake Sebago Drive
Waterton Cove
N. Westlakes Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Beaty Avenue
Westward Drive to St. Louis Avenue
Bradbury Avenue
Broadripple Drive to Prairie Grove Drive
Broad Ripple Drive
Bradbury Avenue to Orchard Lane
Commercial Road
Bluffton Road to Dead End
Dalevue Drive
Baer Road to Fernwood Avenue
Fairbrook Court
Orchard Lane to Cul-De-Sac
Fernwood Avenue
Dalevue Drive to Lower Huntington
Hickory Creek Drive
Lower Huntington to Kumfer Avenue
Lincolnway Court
Bluffton Road to Dead End
Lower Huntington Road
Ardmore Avenue to Smith Road
Magneic Way
Commercial Road to Dead End
McArthur Drive
Ideal Avenue to Baer Avenue
Old Trail Road
Prairie Grove Drive to No Cross
Orchard Lane
Corvalis Avenue to Fairbrook Court
St. Louis Avenue
Beaty Drive to Bradbury Avenue
Winchester Road
No Cross Street (South) to Lower Huntington Road
Deep Creek Court
Lake Mead Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Lake Mead Drive
Deep Creek Court to Lake Shasta Court
Lake Sebago Drive
Torch Lake Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Lake Shasta Court
Lake Mead Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Lake Tahoe Court
Westlakes Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Lake Tahoe Drive
Westlakes Drive to Homestead Road
Mohave Court
Lake Mead Drive to Cul-De-Sac
Unita Drive
Lake Mead Drive to No Cross Street
Westlakes Drive
Lake Sebago Drive to Aboite Center Road
Hawthorn Road
Washington Road S. to Washington Road N.
Hickory Street
Washington Road N. to Mulberry Road
Mulberry Road
Willowdale Road to Dead End
Saginaw Drive
Washington Road S. to Hawthorn Road
Washington Road N.
Freeman Street to Barberry Hill
Washington Road S.
Washington Road N. to Hawthorn Road
Willowdale Road
West Jefferson Boulevard to No Cross Street
Be aware of all signage and reduced speeds. Avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating/drinking, and radio.
The contractor will move them once pavement passes testing and can withstand vehicle weights.
Slow down and give workers extra room. Drive cautiously through the jobsite especially If workers are on site.
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