Project Description
The project to widen Coldwater Road, from E. Dupont Rd to Union Chapel Rd, will be completed in two phases with phase one construction beginning Spring 2026. This project was designed using Complete Streets design principles. These principles enable safe use for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. This will include ADA-compliant pedestrian crossings, 11-foot travel lanes, improved storm sewers and street lighting, as well as drainage improvements and green infrastructure. A small structure may be extended or pedestrian bridges installed to cross the Roy Delagrange Drain.
This Project will also include:
- Intersection improvements
- New sidewalks with ADA curb ramps
- New pavement markings and signage
- Lighting improvements
- Green infrastructure and landscaping
- Drainage improvements
What to expect during construction:
- Two-way traffic to be maintained during construction
- Expect delays, dust and noise
- Access to all public streets and properties shall be maintained