Project Description

The Curb Appeal Pilot Program reimburses homeowners for eligible home improvements to the front of their home. Curb Appeal aims to encourage neighborhood beautification in areas that are undergoing plans with the City.

Eligible projects can be reimbursed for 80% of project costs, up to $2,500.

Eligible projects

What kind of projects are eligible for Curb Appeal?

The following projects are eligible for Curb Appeal that are within the front of the home (see diagram below):

Landscaping: Tree, flower, shrub, bush, vegetation, other landscaping materials (mulch, stone, pavers, etc) or one-time lawn maintenance

Trim, Removal: Tree, stump, or shrub

Power Washing: Exterior only

House: Siding repair, replacement, painting, staining

Fencing: Installation, repair, painting, staining

Deck, Porch, Step, Railing: Installation, repair, replacement, painting, staining

Window, Door Trim: Installation, repair, replacement

Gutter, Soffit, Fascia: Installation, repair, replacement

Lighting, Security Camera: Installation, repair, replacement

Tuck-pointing, Masonry: Reconstruction of the building / existing masonry

Private Walk, Driveway, or Driveway Apron: Installation, repair, replacement

Handicap Accessible Needs: Exterior only

Diagram of Curb Appeal eligible area, everything closer to the curb than the back face of the house, including the sidelots

Eligible Map

Eligible Area

In order to be eligible for Curb Appeal, your home must fall within the eligble area on the map below.

Why is my home not in the eligible area?

Areas eligible for the Curb Appeal Program are those that have ongoing plans with the City of Fort Wayne.

If you would like to create a plan and be eligible for the program, speak to your neighborhood association leadership or contact the Neighborhood Planning & Activation Workgroup.

How it works

Who pays for the project?

Curb Appeal is a REIMBURSEMENT program.

This means:

  1. You apply & receive an approval letter.
  2. You will pay for everything first.
  3. Your project is completed.
  4. You will submit a reimbursement request to the City.
  5. If it is an eligible project, the City will send you a reimbursement check.

The reimbursement check could take up to 60 days after the reimbursement request is submitted.

How much money will Curb Appeal reimburse?

Curb Appeal reimburses 80% of project costs, up to $2,500.

For example:

If your project costs $500,Curb Appeal will reimburse $400.
If your project costs $1,000,Curb Appeal will reimburse $800.
If your project costs $3,125,Curb Appeal will reimburse $2,500.
If your project costs $5,000,Curb Appeal will reimburse $2,500.

The maximum amount that will be reimbursed is $2,500.



YES, you can complete multiple projects for Curb Appeal.

The maximum TOTAL reimbursement for ALL projects is $2,500.

To receive $2,500, the total project cost must be AT LEAST $3,125.

Curb Appeal will only pay for professional licensed labor.

That means that you CANNOT be reimbursed for work that you do yourself, OR for work that you pay someone else to do IF that person is NOT a licensed professional in the field that they are working for your project.

You CAN be reimbursed for any work that you pay a licensed professional to do.

For example, you CAN be reimbursed for a professional painter who paints your house, a professional tree trimmer who trims your tree, a professional concrete worker who lays new sidewalk, or a professional landscaper who installs landscaping.

This is completely fine! As long as your project is listed under Eligible Projects, you do not need to contact us.

Unlike last year, if you change your project after receiving an approval letter, it does NOT affect how much money you can be reimbursed for.

You also do NOT need to tell the City that you have changed your project.

NO. Any projects started before getting an approval letter will NOT be paid for by Curb Appeal.

Anything bought before getting an approval letter will NOT be paid for by Curb Appeal.

NO, Curb Appeal will not pay for projects in the backyard.

The only exceptions are:

  • Trees can be cut down in the backyard with Curb Appeal.
  • If you are painting your house or replacing siding, the ENTIRE house will be covered, including the back.
  • If you are replacing gutters, fascia, and soffits, the ENTIRE house will be covered, including the back.
  • If you are replacing at least one window in the eligible area, Curb Appeal will cover to replace windows on the ENTIRE house, including the back.

Projects that are behind a fence line are NOT eligible for Curb Appeal (see diagram below).

Fences themselves ARE an eligible expense.

Homes on corners of streets can complete projects on the front of the home off each street.

This does NOT include alleys. Homes on alleys are eligible for the same area as homes off a single street.

If you live on a corner and have a fence, projects behind the fence line are NOT eligible.

Fences themselves ARE an eligible expense.

Alleys are NOT considered streets. Therefore, if you live on an alley, your home is ONLY eligible for projects in the same area as a home off a single street.

Those who applied for or received Curb Appeal in 2023 ARE eligible for the program again in 2024.

  • Photos are NOT required with applications. Photos will still be required AFTER the project is complete
  • Contractor quotes or estimates are NOT required with applications.
  • You do NOT have to tell us exactly what you plan to do.
  • You do NOT have to tell us if you have changed your project
    • UNLESS your project is NOT on the list of approved projects, then you MUST contact us to verify if your project is eligible
  • You will be approved for the maximum amount ($2,500), so if you wish to and are able to do more projects, please do!
  • You CAN complete projects on the side of your home so long as they are in the Eligible Area
    • Please note: Projects behind fence lines are NOT eligible

  • Houses on corners CAN complete projects on the side of the home off of both streets

  • If you are painting your home, replacing siding, installing gutters, soffets, and fascia, or replacing windows, so long as some portion of the work is visible from the front, Curb Appeal will pay for the costs for your ENTIRE house, not just the front.
  • Trees anywhere on the property can be cut down, including the backyard.
  • Rental properties are still eligible, but current tenants must be Housing Choice Voucher recipients.
  • The Neighboring Properties amount no longer applies. You and your neighbors will all enjoy the same amount of reimbursement, regardless of whether you live directly next to one another.

Specific Projects

YES, Curb Appeal will reimburse a tree being cut down in the backyard.

YES, Curb Appeal will pay for windows to be replaced on the back of your house IF at least one window being replaced is in the Curb Appeal approved area.

YES, Curb Appeal will pay for gutters & fascia around the entire home.

Detached garages and accessory buildings will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

If you intend to do work on a detached garage or accessory building, you must contact us BEFORE you begin your project.

NO. Curb Appeal will only pay for plants that live longer than one year, also called perennials.

NO. Curb Appeal will not pay for any lawn chemicals.

NO. Curb Appeal will not pay for routine lawn maintenance.

Landscaping is eligible, but not routine services that come to mow your lawn throughout the summer, for example.

NO, unfortunately Curb Appeal cannot reimburse for any tools.

So, for example, Curb Appeal will NOT pay for the cost of paintbrushes, hammers, or power tools.

However, Curb Appeal WILL cover the cost of renting specialized equipment, such as scaffolding.

NO, unfortunately Curb Appeal cannot reimburse the cost of permits.

Other Cases

NO. Only residential properties are eligible for Curb Appeal.

YES! Landlords are welcome to apply, IF you are currently renting to a Housing Choice Voucher recipient.

A maximum of 4 properties in common ownership to the same person will be eligible for Curb Appeal.

NO. Unfortunately vacant properties are NOT eligible for Curb Appeal.

Duplexes and triplexes CAN qualify for this program. Duplexes and triplexes qualify for the same amount as a single-family home (maximum $2,500).

Only one unit of the duplex or triplex needs to be income-verified.

  • If owner-occupied: then income is verified by the owner’s income as normal
  • If renter-occupied: then proof of Housing Choice Voucher will be required

Apartment buildings up to 4 units CAN qualify. The entire building is eligible for the same amount as a single-family home (maximum $2,500).

Only one unit of the apartment needs to be income-verified.

  • If owner-occupied: then income is verified by the owner’s income as normal
  • If renter-occupied: then proof of Housing Choice Voucher will be required

Application Questions

Applying for Curb Appeal

Applications are now closed, due to unprecedented demand.

You need three things to be eligible for Curb Appeal:

  1. A gross (before taxes) household income of UNDER $80,000 annually
    1. OR if not owner-occupied:
      1. currently renting to Housing Choice Voucher recipient.
  2. Live in the eligible area (see Eligible Map tab).
  3. Property owner does not owe the City of Fort Wayne or Allen County any fines, fees or delinquent payments

You need the following things to apply:

  1. Completed application form (included in online application questions below)
  2. Applicant's ID (driver's license, passport, or other official photo ID)
  3. A completed & signed W9, which can be found here.
  4. The following for all adults in the household:
    1. Federal Tax Return (Form 1040)
    2. OR Benefit Award Letter from SSA
    3. OR if the home is not owner-occupied, proof of Housing Choice Voucher

Once applications open in April, you can apply in the following ways:

  1. Online, form will be available on this page
  2. In-person at Citizens Square
    200 E Berry St,
    Fort Wayne, IN 46802
    Community Development, Third Floor

Applications can be PICKED UP, but NOT TURNED IN at a participating library location:

    1. Main Library
      900 Library Plaza
      Fort Wayne, IN 46802
    2. Hessen Cassel
      3030 E Paulding Rd
      Fort Wayne, IN 46816
    3. Little Turtle
      2201 Sherman Blvd
      Fort Wayne, IN 46808
    4. Pontiac
      2215 S Hanna St
      Fort Wayne, IN 46803
    5. Shawnee
      5600 Noll Ave
      Fort Wayne, IN 46806
    6. Tecumseh
      1411 E State Blvd
      Fort Wayne, IN 46805
    7. Waynedale
      2200 Lower Huntington Rd
      Fort Wayne, IN 46819

Applications picked up at a library location must be turned in in-person at Citizens Square.


Applications are now closed.

City employees are eligible for Curb Appeal, upon review that there is no conflict of interest.

A Conflict of Interest form must be completed AND SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION.

After you Apply

After a complete application is received, the City will:

  1. Review the application
  2. Make a site visit to take before photos
    1. You do NOT need to be home when the photo is taken, and the City employee will NOT come onto your property to take the photo.
  3. Issue an approval or rejection letter to you

Completed applications will be reviewed first –completed first-reviewed rolling basis.

We cannot guarantee an exact timeframe, but we will work as quickly as possible to get back to you.

  • If you have provided an email on the Curb Appeal application, the letter will be emailed to you.
  • If you have not provided an email on the application, the letter will be mailed to you.

NO, Projects started BEFORE receiving an approval letter will NOT be reimbursed.

Purchases made BEFORE receiving an approval letter will NOT be reimbursed.

Once you receive an approval letter, please move forward and complete your project.

Be sure to keep all receipts. Projects must be completed and reimbursement request forms must be turned in by Wednesday, September 26th, 2024 at 4:59pm.

Projects must be completed AND Reimbursement Request Forms must be turned in by Wednesday, September 26th, 2024 at 4:59pm.

Reimbursement Questions

Reimbursement Requests

The Request for Reimbursement forms will be available once applications have closed.

The following things are needed for reimbursement:

  1. Completed reimbursement form
  2. All receipts for supplies and contractors
    1. Please note: if you have an invoice from a contractor, there must be some indication that the invoice was paid in full.
  3. Photos of the completed project
    1. Please submit at least one photo that shows your ENTIRE house, front yard, etc. from the street.
    2. Photos will be submitted on the reimbursement form, which will be available once applications have closed

Once applications close, you can submit your Request for Reimbursement in the following ways:

  1. Online, form will be available on this page
  2. In-person at Citizens Square
    200 E Berry St,
    Fort Wayne, IN 46802
    Community Development, Third Floor


All projects must be completed and COMPLETE reimbursement requests must be submitted by THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th at 4:59pm.

No extensions will be granted.

Reimbursement checks may take up to 60 days after a completed reimbursement is submitted.


Curb Appeal funds come from the Unsafe Building Fund, which is a fund from Code Compliance fees.

The funds are not taxpayer dollars.

The total Curb Appeal budget for 2024 is between $300,000 - $400,00.

NO, elected officials are not eligible for the Curb Appeal Program.

2023 Projects

Before After