Project Description
The Harvester Neighborhood Activation began in Spring 2022 with an interested resident contacting the City for insight into how to build up the association. This meeting led to a much longer process of creating a neighborhood board, bylaws, and brand, and the City Liasion working on building a comprehensive Neighborhood Status Assessment (see below).
Neighborhood Status Assessment (NSA)
Neighborhood Status Assessments (NSA) begin with interested residents contacting the City. A City Liaison is assigned to the neighborhood and provides support, resources, and best practices over the course of 12-18 months.
The ultimate goal of the NSA is to empower residents to independently manage their neighborhood association.
The City Liaison distributes a survey and conducts at least 50 interviews of neighborhood residents. The NSA concludes with a comprehensive written document on neighborhood history, demographics, and data.
Do you live in the Harvester Neighborhood?
Neighborhood Meetings
Neighborhood meetings began in conjunction with Adams Elementary School PTA but then transitioned to being held at Harvester Missionary Church due to preferred resident timing. The meetings are now held at a bi-monthly cadence.
Since reactivating, Harvester neighborhood has prioritized acts of service by promoting a neighborhood cleanup day. The events was a great successes by connecting neighbors and giving people free options to get rid of unwanted items. Harvester has held other events as well such as a block party and garage sales.