Project Description

The Lincoln Park & Five Points Neighborhood Activation began in Fall 2023 with an interested resident contacting the City for insight into how to build up the association.

This meeting started a longer process where residents and City staff will work together to build a neighborhood board, bylaws, and brand, and the City Liasion will work on building a comprehensive Neighborhood Status Assessment (see below). This is also a part of the Northwest Neighborhood Plan.

Neighborhood Status Assessment (NSA)

Neighborhood Status Assessments (NSA) begin with interested residents contacting the City. A City Liaison is assigned to the neighborhood and provides support, resources, and best practices over the course of 12-18 months.

The ultimate goal of the NSA is to empower residents to independently manage their neighborhood association.

The City Liaison distributes a survey and conducts at least 50 interviews of neighborhood residents. The NSA concludes with a comprehensive written document on neighborhood history, demographics, and data.

Do you live in the Lincoln Park/ Five Points Neighborhood?

If you think you live in the Lincoln Park/Five Points Neighborhood and you would like to know more about the neighborhood reactivation/integration process and get involved, please fill out the survey below!

Neighborhood Boundaries

Neighborhood Open House

A Neighborhood Open House is scheduled for Sunday, May 19th at 1:30 pm at Northside Missionary Church (736 Lillian Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46808). This will be a fun

Dumpster Day April 2024

Dumpster Day and Spring Cleanup: Saturday, April 13th from 8am-12pm or until the dumpster fills up. It will be held at Queen of Angel's Church Parking lot (1500 W State blvd.) Turn on Cambridge Blvd then take a right on Irene Ave and turn into the parking lot. Take the morning to pick up trash/litter to beautify the neighborhood and dispose of bulky items* Some restrictions apply, see list below of restricted items for details.

The following can't be put into the dumpster : Anti-freeze Chemicals, Tires, Appliance with Freon, Fire Extinguishers, Used Oil, Asphalt, Fluorescent Bulbs, Concrete, Auto Fluids, Freon Refrigerant, Auto Parts, Hazardous Waste, Liquids, Electronics ,Oil Based Paint, Explosives, Closed Containers, Items Containing: Mercury, Pesticides, Compressed Gas, Lead, Acid Batteries, Herbicides, Radioactive Materials, Special Waste, Fertilizers, . *** Latex paint cans need to be dried out before placing in the container. We cannot accept paint in a liquid form because it may leak out onto the ground or street.

We will be updating as more information and activities are planned. Please share your thoughts by filling out the surveys above!

Logo and New Name Ideas

As the neighborhoods reactivate and integrate into a new neighborhood, a new brand and possibly a new name is being discussed by residents and stakeholders. You will have the option of sharing your thoughts in a forthcoming survey.