Project Description

The Maumee Avenue—Indiana Tech Sidewalk and Lighting Improvement Package, which is led by the City of Fort Wayne's Right-of-Way Department, is located in the East Central Neighborhood. The goal of this project is to improve walkability, safety, and the aesthetic beauty of the area, as Maumee Avenue is a key gateway, an important link to Southeast Fort Wayne, and serves the growing campus of Indiana Tech.

Project Highlights

  • Sidewalk Replacement: Replace over 2,000 feet of sidewalk (primarily curb face) with a new sidewalk along Maumee Avenue near the Indiana Tech campus. Additionally, nearly 570 square yards of broken curb-face sidewalk along South Anthony Boulevard between Maumee Avenue and Washington Boulevard will be replaced on an as-needed basis.
  • Landscaping: Add a new park strip with grass and trees along Maumee Avenue to provide buffer between pedestrians and motorists.
  • Improved Lighting: Replace the existing 35' tall street lights to match street lights further west along Maumee Avenue to enhance the experience for pedestrians, while aesthetically improving the corridor.
  • Sidewalks

    All curb-face sidewalks along Maumee Avenue within the project limits will be changed to a five foot wide sidewalk with a park strip. Adding updated street lights and a grass park strip will beautify this stretch of Maumee and Indiana Tech's campus greatly. The sidewalk sections along S Anthony Blvd that are in poor condition will be replaced but will not change in design.

    Photo Gallery

    Pictures of the North side of Maumee Avenue before construction begins.

    Street Lighting

    The current cobra head style of lights will change to acorn-style lights to match the existing layout to the west of the campus.

    When the Maumee Avenue Realignment Project took place in 2016 and 2017, the lights changed to the acorn style, which is what these lights will match when completed. This style of light will improve safety and natural beauty to the area, as they will allow for trees to be planted in the park strip since there won't be overhead wires that will restrict their growth.

    Tree Planting

    Street trees will be planted in the park strip to add shade for pedestrians and drivers.

    Park strip with trees & lights

    Here is what the park strip may look like.

    Maumee Realignment Project - 2016

    The Maumee Avenue Realignment Project in the East Central Neighborhood took place in 2016 between Harmar Street and University Street. This involved road reconstruction, sidewalk changes, and the addition of updated lighting and trees in the park strip. While the current project is not involving a significant road change, the plans for the sidewalk, lighting, and tree planting will match what was done on the Maumee Realingment Project.

    Picture Gallery

    Pictures of the North side of Maumee Ave that already underwent construction a few years ago.


      Be aware of all signage and reduced speeds. Avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating/drinking, and radio.



      The contractor will move them when once pavement passes testing and can withstand vehicle weights.



      Slow down and give workers extra room. Drive cautiously through the jobsite especially If workers are on site