NOAA Urban Heat Island Mapping 2024 Campaign

The City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division has been selected to lead a campaign mapping heat and air quality in Fort Wayne. The division will work with community scientists to give residents a stronger voice in the planning and implementation of climate change-preparedness strategies. Fort Wayne and Bloomington are two of 14 U.S. communities selected to participate in the 2024 NOAA Urban Heat Island (UHI) mapping campaign.

This summer, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA), in partnership with the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and community scientists will map the hottest neighborhoods in 14 U.S. communities and 4 international cities. Identifying these areas, called urban heat islands, helps communities take action to reduce the health impacts of extreme heat and provides cooling relief for those living in the hottest areas.

  • Heat Mapping Area

    In order to understand how heat and air quality are impacting our community on a hyperlocal level, we will be planning routes throughout the majority of Fort Wayne, focusing on residential and mixed-use areas. On our selected campaign day, a team of citizen scientist volunteers will drive with sensors attached to their cars on these pre-established routes at three different points in the day to see how temperature and air quality changes in each area.

Heat Mapping Routes 1 to 7

Heat mapping routes 1-7

Heat mapping routes 8-10

Heat mapping Routes 8-10

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