Project Description

The North Clinton Street Improvements Project is located along North Clinton Street from Auburn Road to Mayhew Road in northeast Fort Wayne.

The need for the project is evident, based on anticipated increase in traffic volumes and resulting congestion. Additionally, there is a need for connectivity of pedestrian facilities along North Clinton Street. The purpose of the project is to provide a roadway that can effectively accommodate future traffic volumes and operate at an acceptable level of service during the design year of 2048, and to increase connectivity of pedestrian facilities.

The scope of the project is not fully defined at this time but may include widening Clinton Street throughout the project corridor as well as the addition of new pedestrian facilities. Drainage improvements will include the extension or replacement of culverts throughout the entire project corridor, along with construction of retention or detention areas are also anticipated.

North Clinton Street Overview and Typicals

Community Meetings

The City's Public Works Division hosted a Public Meeting to learn about the upcoming North Clinton StretImprovement project; at a public involvement meeting on July 31, 2024.

Downloadable Comment Form

Key Date

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Public Involvement Meeting

The City of Fort Wayne will hosted a public involvement meeting on Wednesday, July 31, at 6:00 p.m. to showcase plans for the project at the Dupont Branch of the Allen County Public Library, 536 East Dupont Road.

  • ADA compliant multi-use path and sidewalks
  • Curb and new storm sewers
  • New lighting
  • Bridge replacement of Becketts Run
  • Small structure and drainage pipe replacement or extension
  • Stormwater detention basins
  • There will be multiple phases of lane closures, with Clinton being down to one lane at times during construction.
  • Drive slowly and cautiously through the job site, especially when the contractor is on site working.
  • It will be dirty, muddy and dusty.
  • Do not move barricades, the contractor will move them and open the road to traffic when it is safe to do so.


    Be aware of all signage and reduced speeds. Avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating/drinking, and radio.



    The contractor will move them once pavement passes testing and can withstand vehicle weights.



    Slow down and give workers extra room. Drive cautiously through the jobsite especially If workers are on site.