Project Description

The City of Fort Wayne's Neighborhood Planning & Activation Workgroup is working closely with stakeholders in the Northwest Neighborhoods Planning Area to develop a new ten-year strategic framework for project and program investment in the neighborhoods.

The following neighborhoods are a part of the Northwest Neighborhoods Planning Area

  • Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association
  • Hamilton Neighborhood Association
  • Lincoln Park/Five Points Neighborhoods
  • Nebraska Neighborhood Association
  • North Highlands Neighborhood Association
Image of event invitation for the NW Neighborhoods Chili Cookoff. Text: Join the Northwest Neighborhoods of Fort Wayne for a free Chili Cook Off. Thursday, Jan. 23, 6pm-8pm at the David Hefner Pavilion. Also a chance to give the City your feedback on Rive

Featured event: Chili Cook Off Competition

Join the Northwest Neighborhoods of Fort Wayne for a free event

Thursday January 23, 2025 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Northwest Neighborhoods of Fort Wayne: Chili Cook Off Competition

Bring your appetite and join the Bloomingdale, Hamilton, Lincoln Park/Five Points, Nebraska, and North Highlands neighborhood associations for a night of delicious fun! Who will take home the title of chili champion? Click here to invite your neighbors thru Facebook.

David Hefner Pavilion at Franklin School Park, 1903 St. Marys Avenue

The City of Fort Wayne's Community Development Division's Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup is working with several Northwest area neighborhood associations, local organizations, and institutions to develop Northwest Neighborhoods 2035.

The expected outcome of this work is a 10-year neighborhood plan that provides a shared vision and direction for the neighborhoods, providing strategies for investing in growth, building community, and improving the quality of life for neighborhood residents, businesses, and organizations.

You may ask why a neighborhood plan is important. The neighborhood planning process offers local stakeholders the opportunity to come together and shape the future of your neighborhood.

Neighborhood plans do a lot for a community, including

  • (1) engaging residents and businesses in identifying a future vision for the area and providing strategies and recommendations for achieving that vision,
  • (2) providing detailed recommendations for the neighborhood to ensure neighborhoods grow as envisioned by the plan, and
  • (3) provide a level of analysis, detail, and guidance on issues affecting local areas that a "comprehensive" citywide plan cannot.

In short, everyone! This plan involves anyone who lives, works, worships, and participates in the Northwest Neighborhoods Planning Area neighborhoods, and we want to ensure your voice is included.

Direct involvement from the neighborhood's stakeholders and residents is central to developing a neighborhood plan. To ensure that the neighborhood planning process goes smoothly, a team of steering committee members, made up of residents and business owners in the Northwest Neighborhoods Planning Area, meet regularly to provide feedback and guidance in the plan development process.

Share Your Input

Crucial to a good plan is the voices of the community. The Northwest Neighborhoods 2035 plan is seeking input through a variety of outreach opportunities, including the following:

Interactive Map

English Survey

Spanish Survey
