Project Description

Alleys offer important access for residents to the rear of their property and parking of their vehicles. The city’s concrete alley reconstruction program started in 2018 as part of an effort to rebuild 67 miles of concrete alleyway throughout the city. Alley reconstruction includes removal of existing concrete driving surface, alley approaches, and adjustment or replacement of castings. Since 2018, Public Works has reconstructed 14 miles of alleys. Stone alleys are graded on a yearly basis to improve and maintain the existing stone driving surface.

What to Expect During Construction

Residents will receive notification letters in the mail informing them that the alley they live on has been selected for reconstruction once the alley project has been awarded to a contractor. Residents will receive a second letter on their door approximately one to two days before the start of construction on their alleyways. During construction, your garbage and recycling service will be moved from the alley to the curb. Please set your garbage/recycling carts at the curb before 6 a.m. on your normal pick-up day. For questions about garbage/recycling collection, please call 427-2474.


  • COMPLETED - Alley R00084 N-S: E State Blvd, Forest Ave, California Ave, Crescent Ave - Greg McDirmit
  • TO BE COMPLETED IN 2025 - Alleys R20107 & R00038 E-W & N-S: Dodge Ave, Lynn Ave, Florida Dr, California Ave - Matt Ramsay
  • COMPLETED - Alley R00027 N-S: Curdes Ave, Dodge Ave, Anthony Blvd, East Dr - Tim Byer
  • COMPLETED - Alley R00034 N-S: Dodge Av, E State St, Anthony Blvd, Forest Park - Greg McDirmit

Northwest - COMPLETED

  • COMPLETED - Alley R01283 N-S: Florence Ave, Greenlawn Ave, Wells St, Courtland Ave - Greg McDirmit
  • COMPLETED - Alley R01136-20 N-S: Montclair Ave, Main St, Lindenwood Ave, Leesburg Rd - Dan Shaw

Southeast - COMPLETED

  • COMPLETED - Alley R00342 E-W: E Berry St, E Wayne St, Begue St, Harmar St - James Reitz
  • COMPLETED - Alley R00351 E-W: E Berry St, E Wayne St, Harmar St, Francis St - James Reitz
  • COMPLETED - Alley R00455 E-W: Hugh St, Eliza St, McCulloch St, Ohio St - Greg Krieger
  • COMPLETED - Alley R20045 N-S: Richardsville Av, Baxter St, Avondale Dr, Lafayette St - Tim Byer
  • COMPLETED - Alley R20046 N-S: Baxter St, McKinnie Ave, Avondale Dr, Lafayette St - Tim Byer
  • COMPLETED - Alley R00894 N-S: Esmond St, E Wildwood Av, S Clinton St, Piqua Av - Greg Krieger
  • COMPLETED - Alley R00875 & R00876 E-W: Esmond St, E Wildwood Av, Barr St, S Clinton St - James Reitz
  • COMPLETED - Alley R00862 E-W: E Pontiac St, E Leith St, Lafayette St, Jane St - Bob Widner
  • COMPLETED - Alleys R01864 & R20035 E-W: Colerick St, E Wildwood Ave, Warsaw St, Lafayette St - Ezra Broman

Southwest - COMPLETED

COMPLETED - Alley R00961 E-W: French Ave, W Rudisill Blvd, Webster St, Hoagland Ave - Matt Ramsay

  • COMPLETED - Alley R01449 E-W: W Packard Ave, Kinsmoor Ave, Indiana Ave, Beaver Ave - Tim Byer
  • COMPLETED - Alley R1452 E-W: Kinsmoor Ave, Nuttman Ave, S Wayne Ave, Indiana Ave - Brian Kiess
  • COMPLETED - Alleys R00832, R00832-10, R00861, R00833 E-W & N-S: W Suttenfield, W Woodland, Webster, Hoagland - Dan Shaw

Alley Reconstruction Before & After

Before: Before After: After



    Be aware of all signage and reduced speeds. Avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating/drinking, and radio.



    The contractor will move them once pavement passes testing and can withstand vehicle weights.



    Slow down and give workers extra room. Drive cautiously through the jobsite especially If workers are on site.