Plan Implementation

With the passage and adoption of the Historic Northeast 2035 Neighborhood Plan in May of 2024, the City is actively working with the Historic Northeast Planning Committee and the Forest Park, North Anthony, and Northside Neighborhoods to implement elements of the plan.

This page will be dedicated to providing the community with regular updates on projects as they are implemented/completed. As each of the projects is implemented, projects and programs will be identified by one of the following statuses:

  • Complete - Action has been taken to complete a project/program as described by the Plan.
  • In Progress - Active work is underway to achieve the outcomes outlined for each project/program. This status includes any planning and design stages for physical or built projects. Portions of the project/program could have been completed while other elements are still pending.
  • Not Started - Let's be honest: projects take time and money. This status means that the work is not active or underway at this time. It doesn't mean that it's not a priority or we aren't doing it; it just means that other projects are the focus at this time.

How Are Projects Prioritized?

The City of Fort Wayne's Community Development division is guiding implementation in partnership with many community stakeholders and other public entities. This includes the Historic Northeast Planning Committee, which represents a variety of neighborhood residents and leaders in Forest Park, North Anthony, and Northside Neighborhoods.

Prioritization is guided by many factors, which include organizational capacity, funding, community needs, coordination with other ongoing efforts, etc. The Historic Northeast 2035 Plan also provides a recommended general time frame for when action on certain projects and programs is anticipated.

Project Status

Neighborhood Revitalization and Character

Goal One: Historic Northeast Neighborhood Corridors, Nodes, And Gateways Are Appealing, Connected, And Economically Strong

11Develop an East State Boulevard Corridor Improvement Plan, which outlines aesthetic, lighting, zoning, pedestrian, safety, parking, and mobility enhancements. Not Started
12Work with the City's Public Works Division and/or outside consultant to develop a traffic study that considers alternative street designs to improve the East State Boulevard corridorIn Progress
13Enhance the existing sidewalks and streetscape on East State Boulevard between Kentucky Avenue and Florida Drive to promote pedestrian activity and improve the aesthetics of the nearby East State Village areaNot Started
14Enhance the existing sidewalks and streetscape on Crescent Avenue between Lynn Avenue and 2200 Crescent to promote pedestrian activity and improve the aesthetics of the nearby East State Village area. Not Started
15Enhance the existing sidewalks and streetscape on East State Boulevard between Northside Drive and Parnell Avenue to promote pedestrian activity and improve the aesthetics near North Side High School. Not Started
16Replace existing lighting on East State Boulevard between the St. Joseph River and Kentucky Avenue to support pedestrian visibility. Not Started
17Replace existing lighting on East State Boulevard between Alabama Avenue and Randallia Drive to support pedestrian visibility. Not Started
18Work with property owners to reduce the width and number of curb cuts per property where feasible to maintain a continuous, safe, and comfortable pedestrian realm. (East State Blvd.). Not Started
19Encourage façade improvements in the East State Village corridor between Kentucky Avenue and Florida Drive. Not Started
110Consider using Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and other available incentives to support future investment along the East State Boulevard corridor.Not Started
111Work with Public Works and the North Anthony Neighborhood Association to consider additional traffic calming options to improve safety on North Anthony Boulevard. In Progress
112Develop a North Anthony Boulevard corridor improvement plan that outlines aesthetic, lighting, zoning, pedestrian, safety, and mobility enhancements. Not Started
113Enhance the existing sidewalks and streetscape on Lake Avenue at the intersection with North Anthony Boulevard to promote pedestrian activity, economic development, and improved aesthetics. Complete
114Work with property owners to reduce the width and number of curb cuts per property where feasible to maintain a continuous, safe, and comfortable pedestrian realm. (North Anthony).Not Started
115Encourage façade improvements at the intersection of Lake Avenue and North Anthony Boulevard. Not Started
116Encourage façade improvements on North Anthony Boulevard between Crescent Avenue and St. Joseph River Boulevard.Not Started
117Request that all new mixed-use construction projects incorporate design that promotes outdoor space for residents such as porches, balconies, roof decks, and courtyards. Not Started
118Encourage neighborhoods to advocate that all new developments, especially those on East State Boulevard and North Anthony Boulevard, are context-sensitive. Not Started
119Discourage the demolition of existing structures that would significantly alter the neighborhood fabric and character of the corridor. Not Started
120Encourage rehabilitation of existing structures. Not Started
121Work with realtors and developers to market available first-floor storefronts, especially on primary corridors, to businesses that provide neighborhood-serving goods and services. Not Started
122Work with Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department to conduct a tree cover survey to determine current gaps in the tree canopy. In Progress
123Work with Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department to explore opportunities within the Citizen Match Tree Planting Program to increase the number of street trees in Historic Northeast Neighborhoods to meet or exceed the citywide average of 24% tree canopy coverage. In Progress
124Work with Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department to explore opportunities within the Tree Canopy Growth Fund to increase the number of private property trees in Historic Northeast Neighborhoods to meet or exceed the citywide average of 24% tree canopy coverage. In Progress
125Work with City Utilities to implement green stormwater infrastructure in areas with high percentages of impervious surfaces and high flood risk due to heavy rain events. Not Started
126Encourage North Side High School, Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department, and private businesses near the intersection of East State Boulevard and Parnell Avenue to redesign and green their parking lot to reduce stormwater runoff and improve the appearance of the area. Not Started
127Improve air quality and mitigate heat island effects by adding native landscape improvements throughout the neighborhood, especially along business corridors.Not Started
128Encourage the exploration of funding opportunities for landscape improvements. Not Started
129 Encourage neighborhoods to pursue grant programs for additional funding to support beautification projects. In Progress
130Encourage annual cleanups of debris at the Hosey Dam on the Maumee River.Not Started

Goal Two: Historic Northeast Neighborhoods Maintain Property Values And Neighborhood Character

21Apply the Urban Corridor (UC) designation to East State Boulevard between Kentucky Avenue and Florida Drive to enhance and preserve the existing urban-scale, pedestrian-oriented neighborhood node. Not Started
22Apply Urban Corridor (UC) designation to the southwest corner of Lake Avenue and North Anthony Boulevard to enhance and preserve the existing urban-scale, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use corridors. Not Started
23Apply Urban Corridor (UC) designation to the commercial node at the intersections of Columbia Avenue, St. Joseph Boulevard, and Lake Avenue and St. Joseph Boulevard. Not Started
24Apply Neighborhood Center (NC) designation to North Anthony Boulevard between Crescent Avenue and St. Joe River Drive to enhance and preserve the existing urban-scale, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use corridors. Not Started
25Apply Limited Commercial (C2) designation to East State Boulevard between the St. Joseph River and Pleasant Avenue to encourage commercial development that supports the neighborhood. Not Started
26Apply Limited Industrial (I1) designation to the southside of East State Boulevard between the St. Joseph River and Parnell Avenue. Not Started
27Discourage the use of spot zoning that does not meet the existing zoning pattern of the surrounding area. Not Started
28Discourage use variances that are out of character with the neighborhood's planned character and the recommendations described herein. Not Started
29Educate residents and neighborhood organizations about regulations for screening, storage, maintenance, and other zoning/ neighborhood code matters that are primarily enforced through citizen complaints.Not Started
210Work with non-profit housing organizations to create a centralized hub of educational materials that provide information for homeowners on a variety of housing maintenance and upkeep topics. Not Started
211Work with neighborhood leaders to develop maintenance and rehabilitation programs for homeowners and landlords. Not Started
212Provide residents and neighborhood associations with information on local, state, and national programs and incentives that support façade improvements and maintenance repairs to their properties. Not Started
213Encourage neighborhood associations to work with the City of Fort Wayne’s Neighborhood Code Compliance Department to provide residents with resources on rules and regulations. Not Started
214Encourage neighborhood associations to develop a database of neighborhood residents with skills and abilities that could be used to assist residents in need of home repair. Not Started

Goal Three: The Historic Northeast Area’s Rich History And Culture Is Celebrated And Protected

31Encourage the use of social media to advertise and share educational materials on how to maintain and rehabilitate historic structures. Not Started
32Host annual workshops for property owners that showcase tips and methods for the maintenance of historic properties. Not Started
33Seek funding through grants to create a program that assists property owners with historic preservation efforts. Not Started
34Actively support events that promote historic properties and neighborhoods. In Progress
35Encourage property owners to consult with the Historic Preservation staff on preservation projects and rehabilitation.Not Started
36Share educational materials through neighborhood social media on the social and economic value that historic preservation provides. Not Started
37Develop a coloring book that features historic properties located in the neighborhoods and can be distributed to students at local schools. Not Started
38Promote an economic analysis of properties in the Lakeside Local Historic District to encourage and educate other districts on the possible benefits of local historic designation.Not Started
39Support efforts by the City’s Historic Preservation Commission to improve inclusivity and equity for historic preservation in the Historic Northeast. Not Started
310Be intentional and proactive in forming partnerships with groups that have either been marginalized or are not actively sought out to discuss historic preservation. Not Started
311Through the historic resources inventory, identify and document assets and locations that may not be traditionally recognized as historically significant. Not Started
312Encourage the City’s Historic Preservation Commission to complete a social and economic benefit analysis of historic preservation in the Historic Northeast Area. Not Started
313Work with the City’s Historic Preservation staff to ensure materials promoting the process and value of historic preservation are available in English, Spanish, and Burmese. Not Started
314Facilitate discussion between preservation-minded groups, neighborhoods, City of Fort Wayne Historic Preservation Staff, and development entities to ensure the area retains its historic character. Not Started
315Provide ongoing education to neighborhoods and property owners on the process and benefits of listing as a local historic designation. Not Started
316Encourage and support eligible neighborhoods and property owners to work with the City’s Historic Preservation staff and seek listed status as either a National Register District or property or a Local Historic District or property. Not Started
317Utilize neighborhood websites, newsletters, and social media to promote the historic designation of the neighborhoods and properties. Not Started
318Invite the City’s Historic Preservation Staff to attend neighborhood meetings and events to discuss the benefits and practice of historic preservation districts. Not Started
319Support the adjustment of North Anthony Boulevard Historic District’s period of significance to fully include the contributing historic resources within the historic district.Not Started
320Partner with the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma to establish a Land Acknowledgement representing the current Historic Northeast area. Not Started
321Partner with the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and State of Indiana to dedicate a sign to the Kekionga and Miami Tribe’s history in the area.Not Started
322Partner with the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and City Fort Wayne to create a stamped concrete walking trail that identifies the village of Kekionga’s location, paths, or other significant geographies. Not Started
323Partner with the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and the Historic Northeast neighborhoods to incorporate public art that shares the land’s story. Not Started

Neighborhood Public Realm

Goal One: Historic Northeast Neighborhoods Have Safe, Connected, And High-Quality Infrastructure

11Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on St. Joe River Drive between Parnell Avenue and Anthony Boulevard.In Progress
12Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on River Forest Boulevard between St. Joe River Drive and Vance Avenue.Not Started
13Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Parnell Avenue between Curdes Avenue and St. Joe River Drive.Not Started
14Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Ferguson Avenue between Parnell Avenue and Kentucky Avenue. Not Started
15Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Vance Avenue between Northside Drive and Crescent Avenue. Not Started
16Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Vermont Avenue between Pemberton Drive and Randallia Drive. Not Started
17Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Glenwood Avenue between Kentucky Avenue and Crescent Avenue. Not Started
18Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Northlawn Drive between Parnell Avenue and Addison Avenue. Not Started
19Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Oswego Avenue between Vance Avenue and Somerset Lane. Not Started
110Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Woodrow Avenue between St. Joe River Drive and Glenwood Avenue.Not Started
111Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Somerset Lane between Oswego Avenue and Woodrow Avenue. Not Started
112Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by closing existing sidewalk gaps on Addison Avenue between St. Joe River Drive and Vance Avenue. Not Started
113Improve walking conditions in the Historic Northeast Area by replacing existing sidewalk on Lake Avenue between Crescent Avenue and North Anthony Boulevard.Not Started
114Encourage neighborhood associations to complete annual sidewalk audits and report their findings to the City to prioritize annual sidewalk improvements. Not Started
115Develop an intersection improvement plan for both Columbia Avenue and Lake Avenue at St. Joseph Boulevard to improve connectivity between downtown and the neighborhood. Not Started
116Implement temporary placemaking strategies that help improve the intersection at Lake Avenue and St. Joseph Boulevard that could later be made permanent. Not Started
117Develop an intersection improvement plan for North Anthony Boulevard at Crescent Avenue to improve connectivity between Purdue Fort Wayne, Ivy Tech Fort Wayne, Concordia High School, Holy Cross Lutheran School, the North Anthony corridor, and the neighborhoods.Not Started
118Improve the existing intersection at Columbia Avenue and Delta Boulevard to support pedestrian and bicyclist safety. Complete
119Enhance the intersection of Tecumseh Street and Edgewater Avenue to make temporary traffic calming measures permanent. Complete
120Enhance pedestrian safety and visibility at the intersection of Columbia Avenue at Dearborn Street with safety features such as concrete curbs and bump-outs utilizing French drains, painted crosswalks and larger pedestrian crosswalk signage. Complete
121Enhance pedestrian safety and visibility at the intersection of Lake Avenue at Dearborn Street with safety features such as concrete curbs and bump-outs utilizing French drains, painted crosswalks and larger pedestrian crosswalk signage. Complete
122Enhance pedestrian safety and visibility at the intersection of Lake Avenue at Crescent Avenue with safety features such as concrete curbs and bump-outs utilizing French drains, painted crosswalks and larger pedestrian crosswalk signageComplete
123Enhance pedestrian safety and visibility at the intersection of Columbia Avenue at Crescent Avenue with safety features such as concrete curbs and bump-outs utilizing French drains, painted crosswalks and larger pedestrian crosswalk signageComplete
124Enhance pedestrian safety and visibility at Crescent Avenue at Forest Avenue intersection with safety features such as concrete curbs and bump-outs utilizing French drains, painted crosswalks, and larger pedestrian crosswalk signage. Complete
125Add a pedestrian crossing traffi c island at the intersection of Delta Boulevard and Lake Avenue to improve connectivity between the two sections of Lakeside Park. Not Started
126Provide informational resources to residents and business owners on the 50/50 program for sidewalk improvement projects. Not Started
127Prioritize visual and safety improvements to the intersections of Tennessee Avenue and St. Joseph Boulevard, Tennessee Avenue and Kentucky Avenue, and Tennessee Avenue and Crescent Avenue. Not Started
128Evaluate the existing crosswalks and traffic calming devices on North Anthony Boulevard at Curdes Avenue, Forest Avenue, and Delaware Avenue to see if any adjustments need to be made for improvement or to be made permanent. In Progress
129Work with Public Works to provide the associations with an annual conditions analysis of alleys in the neighborhood. This will coordinate and determine improvement projects while also communicating projects to the residents. In Progress
130Promote infrastructure that discourages excessive vehicular speeds on neighborhood streets. Not Started
131Work with Fort Wayne Police Department to encourage additional traffic safety measures in the neighborhood. In Progress
132Work with Public Works to study and consider adding additional stop signs at intersections with poor visibility. Not Started
133Conduct a traffic study on Kentucky Avenue between East State Boulevard and Ferguson Avenue. Not Started
134Reconstruct Kentucky Avenue between East State Boulevard and Ferguson Avenue with new curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Not Started
135Reconstruct Vance Avenue between Parnell Avenue and Kentucky Avenue with new curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Not Started
136Add new pedestrian-level lighting on Kentucky Avenue between East State Boulevard and Ferguson Avenue. Not Started
137Add new pedestrian-level lighting on Vance Avenue between Parnell Avenue and Crescent Avenue. Not Started
138Work with Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department to plant new street trees on both Vance Avenue and Kentucky Avenue. Not Started
139Improve bicyclist safety and visibility on the existing bike lanes for Columbia Avenue and Lake Avenue by ensuring bike lanes are clearly marked and signed. Not Started
140Construct bike lanes on Columbia Avenue to allow bicyclists to connect from the existing terminus at Crescent Avenue to the River Greenway and Lake Avenue Trail near Lakeside Middle School. Not Started
141Improve bicyclist safety and visibility at the crossing of Columbia Avenue and North Anthony Boulevard once the bicycle lanes are constructed.Not Started
142Conduct a survey for residents on Tennessee Avenue to see if a bicycle lane could be added to improve connectivity.Not Started
143Construct a bicycle repair station and rest stop at the Maumee Trailhead. Not Started
144Support the implementation of new bicycle infrastructure that aligns with the community’s active transportation goals and strategies. Not Started
145Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on Dearborn Street Not Started
146Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian level lighting on streets Delaware Avenue Not Started
147 Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on Forest Avenue Not Started
148Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on Lafort Street Not Started
149Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on Loree Street Not Started
150Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on Lynn Avenue Not Started
151 Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on Oneida Street Not Started
152Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on Parnell Avenue Not Started
153Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on St. Joseph Boulevard Not Started
154Improve pedestrian and motorist safety by adding new historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on Tecumseh Street Not Started
155Replace existing lighting with historically appropriate pedestrian-level lighting on both Columbia Avenue and Lake Avenue to support visibility. In Progress
156Review the existing network of streetlights and suggest further lighting infrastructure improvements that support neighborhood safety.Not Started
157Continue to replace existing high-pressure sodium light fixtures with LED light fixtures. Not Started
158Provide safe pedestrian access and, where appropriate, comfortable walking areas, ADA ramps, lighting, and bus stop signage at Citilink bus shelter and bus stop locations. Not Started
159Partner with Citilink to inform Historic Northeast Neighborhood residents about the economic, health, and environmental benefits of using public transportation. Not Started
160Partner with Citilink and Public Works to ensure the following routes have adequate transit amenities, including bus stops, benches, shelters, and appropriate signage at high-use locations on Route 1 – St. Joe Boulevard and Parnell AvenueNot Started
161Partner with Citilink and Public Works to ensure the following routes have adequate transit amenities, including bus stops, benches, shelters, and appropriate signage at high-use locations on Route 2 – Columbia Avenue and Lake Avenue Not Started
162Partner with Citilink and Public Works to ensure the following routes have adequate transit amenities, including bus stops, benches, shelters, and appropriate signage at high-use locations on Route 3 – State Boulevard, St. Joe Boulevard, and North Anthony Boulevard Not Started
163 Partner with Citilink and Public Works to ensure the following routes have adequate transit amenities, including bus stops, benches, shelters, and appropriate signage at high-use locations on Route 4 – North Anthony Boulevard and Randallia Drive Not Started
164 Partner with Citilink and Public Works to ensure the following routes have adequate transit amenities, including bus stops, benches, shelters, and appropriate signage at high-use locations on Route 15 – North Anthony Boulevard, East State Boulevard, Parnell Avenue, and Randallia Drive Not Started
165Partner with Citilink to review and possibly adjust flag stops on Route 2 (Columbia Avenue and Lake Avenue).Not Started

Goal Two: Historic Northeast Neighborhood Residents Enjoy Growing And Well-Maintained Parks, Open Spaces, And Trails

21Incorporate the data from the Parks & Recreation Needs Assessment survey to provide additional programming, especially for neighborhood youth, in parks, playgrounds, and open spaces. Not Started
22Promote programming and recreational activities at Lakeside and Bob Arnold Northside parks through neighborhood media and marketing materials. Not Started
23Work with the City of Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department to provide commercial, recreational, and other community-based opportunities within the park pavilions.Not Started
24Ensure that trails safely and effectively connect bikers to the neighborhood parks. Not Started
25Improve accessibility to Bob Arnold Northside Park by adding a sidewalk on both the north and east perimeters near Charlotte Avenue (between Parnell and Kentucky), and Kentucky Avenue (between Charlotte and East State Boulevard). Not Started
26Improve accessibility to Lakeside Park by maintaining existing sidewalks on Tecumseh Street, Crescent Avenue, and Columbia Avenue. Not Started
27Work with the City of Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department and Public Works to determine where additional sidewalks, trails, and bike racks can be installed to improve accessibility to both Northside and Lakeside parks. Not Started
28Add walking paths south of Lakeside Park to further connect the neighborhood and enhance accessibility. Not Started
29Support the development and implementation of a river access strategy that looks at options for connectivity and viewshed improvements from the neighborhood to both the St. Joseph and Maumee Rivers. Not Started
210Incorporate interpretive signage along St. Joseph and Maumee Rivers that describes the local ecological significance.Not Started
211Promote volunteer activities that aim to improve the St. Joseph and Maumee Rivers, including viewshed maintenance and river clean-ups. Not Started
212Ensure that adjacent public open spaces are maintained and cleared of debris that hinders safety and accessibility to trails, parks, and river viewsheds. In Progress
213Incorporate native species plantings on city-owned property near the St. Joseph River to support natural habitats and reduce surface runoff and sound pollution. In Progress
214Partner with the Maumee Watershed Alliance to educate residents about their relationship to the surrounding rivers.Not Started
215Update playground equipment at both Bob Arnold Northside Park and Lakeside Park. Complete
216Replace the existing baseball diamond fence at Bob Arnold Northside Park. Not Started
217Update existing lighting fixtures to LED at both Bob Arnold Northside Park and Lakeside Park. Not Started
218Add new walking trails, including a new sidewalk along Charlotte Avenue. Not Started
219Enhance the shoreline along Delta Boulevard and dredge the ponds at Lakeside Park.Not Started
220Replace the north pond fountain at Lakeside Park. Not Started
221Renovate the pavilion and kitchens at Pavilions 1 & 2 at Lakeside Park. Not Started
222Renovate the monument at Lakeside Park.Not Started

Neighborhood Relationships

Goal One: Historic Northeast Neighborhoods Foster A Collaborative And Inclusive Environment That Promotes Health, Wellness, And Safety For Residents, Businesses, And Visitors

11Encourage neighborhoods to participate and attend meetings in the Northeast Area Partnership. In Progress
12Encourage neighborhoods to attend the quarterly Presidents Meeting. In Progress
13Encourage neighborhoods to partner with other associations with similar characteristics to Historic Northeast to share ideas and collaborate on projects that advance preservation efforts. In Progress
14Encourage neighborhoods to partner with other associations near downtown to share ideas and collaborate on projects that enhance urban neighborhoods. In Progress
15Encourage neighborhoods to partner and promote cleanup days rotated at various locations throughout the Historic Northeast. In Progress
16Create a neighborhood-led task force to lead coordination and planning efforts for inclusive programming. Not Started
17Develop and organize social activities to encourage renters to participate in the neighborhood association. Not Started
18Create opportunities for students and youth in the neighborhood and ensure their inclusion in decisions that shape the association. Not Started
19Increase outreach to diverse communities to stimulate volunteer recruitment and neighborhood participation. Not Started
110Promote existing neighborhood-organized events such as Northside Night Out Food Truck Rally at Lakeside Park, Lakeside Concert in the Park, Forest Park Annual Ice Cream Social, and North Anthony Boulevard Block Party across the Historic Northeast neighborhoods. In Progress
111Utilize neighborhood websites, newsletters, and social media to promote projects and programs that support and recognize culture and diversity in the community. Not Started
112Establish relationships with post-secondary institutions to improve educational outcomes in the neighborhood. Not Started
113Work with Purdue University Fort Wayne, Ivy Tech, and Indiana Tech to establish a pipeline of internship opportunities for the neighborhoods and area businesses. Not Started
114Establish a relationship with the Community Foundation to advance neighborhood goals through potential funding opportunities and scholarships. Not Started
115Establish a relationship with Fort Wayne Community Schools as a partner for incorporating youth as part of the Historic Northeast Area. Not Started
116Use the Allen County Public Library Tecumseh branch community meeting room for neighborhood-related activities, workshops, and educational opportunities. Not Started
117Work with the Allen County Public Library Tecumseh branch to establish a second branch of the Seed Library program in partnership with the Purdue University Extension office. Not Started
118Promote the Allen County Public Library Tecumseh branch’s AARP Tax-Aide program for residents in the neighborhood.Not Started
119Work with the Allen County Public Library Tecumseh branch to encourage residents to participate in summer programming and activities. Not Started
120Establish a relationship with ARCH as a partner to assist in historic preservation education and nomination efforts. In Progress
121Coordinate with the Fort Wayne Police Department to ensure each neighborhood has an assigned liaison officer who can serve as a primary point of contact for neighborhood concerns. Not Started
122Ensure the regular appearance of public safety officials at neighborhood meetings and on City coordinated neighborhood walks. In Progress
123Regularly provide updated crime data and maps to target crime prevention tactics for neighborhoods. Not Started
124Work with the Fort Wayne Police Department to promote Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) tactics to reduce vandalism and burglary concerns.Not Started
125Promote fire safety and prevention programs, especially the promotion of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. Not Started
126Ensure that concerns regarding the enforcement of traffic laws are communicated to law enforcement and that traffic enforcement is conducted in an equitable manner. Not Started
127 Create a neighborhood-led task force to lead a neighborhood-wide health improvement initiative. Not Started
128Establish a relationship with Parkview Randallia and Indiana University Fort Wayne as partners to advance neighborhood health improvement initiatives. Not Started
129Work with Parkview Randallia to design and promote a self-guided loop that connects key amenities and promotes safe leisure and exercise. Not Started
130Work with Parkview Randallia to create new opportunities for residents to participate in holistic health practices. Not Started
131Work with Parkview Randallia to assist residents in navigating barriers to access and connect with mental health services. Not Started
132Establish a relationship with the YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne to host a Y on the Fly program that supports youth-related summer activities. Not Started
133Partner with local recreation and health organizations to hold seasonal sports fairs for youth and families to encourage increased physical activity. Not Started
134Develop a neighborhood recreation fund to assist income-limited neighborhood youth with registration fees and equipment supplies. Not Started
135Establish a monthly pop-up market on North Anthony Boulevard that provides residents with access to fresh food and local goods.Not Started

Goal Two: Build Neighborhood Pride Through Shared Identity

21Develop a cohesive brand, identity, and marketing strategy for Historic Northeast Neighborhoods. Not Started
22Develop a cohesive brand, identity, and marketing strategy for Historic Northeast Neighborhoods. Not Started
23Ensure consistent use of branding in all communication and marketing efforts. Not Started
24Encourage the design and installation of welcome signage at Columbia Avenue at the Maumee River. Not Started
25Encourage the design and installation of welcome signage at East State Boulevard at the Saint Joseph River. Not Started
26Encourage the design and installation of welcome signage at Lake Avenue at the intersection of Randallia Drive. Not Started
27Encourage the design and installation of welcome signage at North Anthony Boulevard at the Maumee River. Not Started
28Encourage the design and installation of welcome signage at North Anthony Boulevard at the intersection of Crescent Avenue. Not Started
29Encourage the design and installation of welcome signage at Parnell Avenue at the Saint Joseph River. Not Started
210Improve the existing aesthetic appearance of neighborhood gateways, including landscaping and lighting. Not Started
211Work with the City of Fort Wayne Public Works Division and American Electric Power to locate light poles where neighborhood signage medallions can be installed. In Progress
212Ensure each neighborhood cross-promotes individual brands with a cohesive identity for Historic Northeast where applicable. Not Started
213Increase branding and marketing efforts to promote businesses, attractions, and special events. Not Started
214Develop a self-guided walking tour that showcases historic properties located throughout the neighborhoods. In Progress
215Support and prioritize strategies outlined in the Fort Wayne Public Art Master Plan. Not Started
216Work with local artists and arts organizations to install new murals throughout the Historic Northeast, especially on neighborhood corridors, nodes, and gateways. Not Started
217Establish a common identity throughout the Historic Northeast using murals and other installations to support a cohesive identity and tell a compelling story. Not Started
218Encourage neighborhood youth to become storytellers by interviewing long-term residents, capturing the history of Historic Northeast, and instilling pride in the next generation. Not Started
219Share local stories and interviews through neighborhood social media, and work with Allen County Public Library to establish an archive. Not Started
220Establish a boundary for the East State Village commercial district. Not Started
221Develop a cohesive brand, identity, and marketing strategy for East State Village.Not Started
222Ensure that the East State Village brand, identity, and marketing strategy enhance the existing neighborhood identities and support one another. Not Started
223Actively promote the new identity by adding appropriate signage and banners in public spaces and encouraging the display of the new brand in local businesses. Not Started
224Encourage the establishment of an East State Village business organization that collaborates to support business attraction and retention, entrepreneurship activities, and foot traffic-generating events. Not Started
225Support the development of annual social activities on East State Boulevard that generate traffic for area businesses. Not Started
226Work with Community Development to create an economic development strategy for East State Village. Not Started
227Work with Summit City Entrepreneur and Enterprise District (SEED), the City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development, and other local economic development organizations to implement the goals and strategies of the East State Village economic development strategy to attract and retain businesses.Not Started