Plan Implementation

With the passage and adoption of the Historic Northeast 2035 Neighborhood Plan in May of 2024, the City is actively working with the Historic Northeast Planning Committee and the Forest Park, North Anthony, and Northside Neighborhoods to implement elements of the plan.

This page will be dedicated to providing the community with regular updates on projects as they are implemented/completed. As each of the projects is implemented, projects and programs will be identified by one of the following statuses:

  • Complete - Action has been taken to complete a project/program as described by the Plan.
  • Ongoing - Certain components of a project/program have been completed, while other elements are still pending.
  • In Progress - Active work is underway to achieve the outcomes outlined for each project/program. This status includes any planning and design stages for physical or built projects.
  • Not Started - Let's be honest: projects take time and money. This status means that the work is not active or underway at this time. It doesn't mean that it's not a priority or we aren't doing it; it just means that other projects are the focus at this time.

How Are Projects Prioritized?

The City of Fort Wayne's Community Development division is guiding implementation in partnership with many community stakeholders and other public entities. This includes the Historic Northeast Planning Committee, which represents a variety of neighborhood residents and leaders in Forest Park, North Anthony, and Northside Neighborhoods.

Prioritization is guided by many factors, which include organizational capacity, funding, community needs, coordination with other ongoing efforts, etc. The Historic Northeast 2035 Plan also provides a recommended general time frame for when action on certain projects and programs is anticipated.